Overview of Our Hormone Clinic

The hormone clinic specializes in sexual wellness and hormone therapy for both men and women. We provide customized treatment plans to help patients regain optimal hormone balance and improve their quality of life.

Our clinic has over 15 years of experience in sexual wellness and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Our physicians stay up-to-date on the latest research and innovative therapies to effectively treat hormone deficiency. We conduct thorough lab testing to accurately diagnose any imbalances.

At, we understand the intimate nature of sexual health issues. We offer compassionate care in a comfortable, confidential setting. Our goal is to help patients feel healthy, energized, and confident again.

Common Reasons for Hormone Imbalances

There are various factors that can lead to a drop in testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and other key hormones:

  • Aging - Hormone production naturally starts to slow down around age 30. Significant drops often occur during perimenopause and andropause.
  • Chronic diseases - Diabetes, obesity, and other conditions can disrupt endocrine function.
  • Medications - Certain medications can impact hormone levels.
  • Poor lifestyle habits - Lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, smoking, excessive alcohol use, and high stress also deplete hormones.
  • Traumatic injury - Head trauma or radiation exposure may damage glands like the pituitary.

Ignoring symptoms and letting deficiencies linger raises the risk for other issues like heart disease, osteoporosis, anxiety, low libido, and sexual dysfunction. Our clinic provides safe, effective treatment tailored to your needs.

Our Services

Regain your vitality. Visit our hormone clinic today.

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Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is getting lab testing to check hormone concentrations in the blood or saliva.

We recommend comprehensive panels that include testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, cortisol, T3, T4, TSH, FSH, LH, and other hormones. These provide deeper insight compared to the standard tests most doctors order.

  • We offer blood draws and saliva tests for convenience
  • Our nurses are highly trained in proper sample collection
  • We use top-rated independent labs for fast, accurate results

In addition to lab results, our physicians review medications, family history, lifestyle factors, symptoms, and exam findings. This rigorous evaluation ensures an accurate diagnosis and rules out other potential causes.

Customized Treatment Protocols

Hormone therapy protocols are tailored to each patient's unique needs and lab results. We develop integrated plans to optimize endocrine function.

Balance Is Key

There are complex interactions between hormones. We focus on achieving ideal balance between key hormones:

  • Testosterone and estrogen
  • Progesterone and estrogen
  • Cortisol and DHEA
  • Thyroid and sex hormones

Balancing these hormone pairs improves symptoms more effectively and safely compared to replacing a single hormone.

Innovative Delivery Methods

For ease and convenience, we offer multiple testosterone and estrogen delivery options, including:

Delivery Method Description
Sublingual troches Dissolve under the tongue
Transdermal creams Absorb through skin
Injections Administered into fat/muscle
Pellets Inserted under the skin, release hormones gradually over months

Pellets are a particularly innovative option that maintains steady hormone levels. We help patients decide which methods suit them best.

Ongoing Monitoring & Follow-Up

It can take 3-6 months to optimize hormone therapy. We schedule regular follow-ups to:

  • Review lab test results
  • Check for medication side effects
  • Adjust protocols as needed
  • Evaluate treatment progress

Careful monitoring and fine-tuning is key to achieving clinical improvements while avoiding risks. We're invested in our patients' long-term health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Balanced Hormones

When customized treatment resolves deficiencies, patients report transformative changes across body and mind:

Physical Benefits

Physical Benefits
Increased energy and vitality
Improved cardiovascular function
Enhanced physical strength and endurance
Greater muscle mass and reduced body fat
Stronger bones, reduced fracture risk
Relief from hot flashes, night sweats, and other symptoms

Mental & Emotional Benefits

  • Better mood, sense of wellbeing, and motivation
  • Improved cognitive abilities like memory and concentration
  • Reduced anxiety, depression, and irritability
  • Increased confidence, more positive self-image

Sexual Health Benefits

  • Heightened libido and sexual desire
  • Increased sensitivity and arousal
  • Improved erectile and/or sexual function
  • More energy for intimacy and fulfilling sex life

Balancing hormones pays dividends across all aspects of health and quality of life. Our patients report feeling like their "old selves" again.

If you're struggling with hormonal issues, contact to learn about science-based solutions. Our experienced physicians develop tailored protocols to help both men and women regain optimal wellbeing.

Restore hormone balance, revive energy - contact us today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do hormone levels drop with age? Do I need treatment?

A: Hormone concentrations start declining around age 30, with more rapid drops during peri/menopause. Letting deficiencies linger raises many health risks, so testing and treatment are crucial.

Q: What are the first signs of low testosterone or estrogen?

A: Symptoms vary but may include low libido, anxiety, depression, fatigue, poor sleep, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, and loss of strength/stamina.

Q: How soon will I feel better after starting hormone therapy?

A: Most patients report some improvements in energy, sleep, and mood within 1-2 weeks. Optimal benefits take longer though – usually 3-6 months. We monitor and adjust dosing until clinical goals are met.

Q: Are there health risks associated with hormone treatment?

A: There are always risks with any therapy, but they're low if protocols are properly customized and patients monitored. We take all precautions for safe, effective treatment.

Q: Will insurance cover hormone testing and replacement therapy?

A: Most major insurance plans cover diagnostics and treatment for hormone disorders. We're in-network with top local providers. Our team helps patients understand coverage specifics.

Men's Wellbeing & Vitality Program

One out of every four men over 30 struggles with hormone deficiency. The most common is low testosterone, also called "Low T." Symptoms may develop gradually and worsen over years, so many men don't realize there's an underlying issue.

Our Men's Wellness Program combines advanced hormone testing with tailored testosterone therapy to:

  • Restore strength, stamina & muscle tone
  • Rekindle sex drive & performance
  • Sharpen mental clarity & motivation
  • Improve energy, sleep & overall vitality

We also address cardiovascular health, nutrition, fitness, and other aspects for whole-person wellbeing.

Women's Wellness & Balance Program

Perimenopause and menopause bring declining estrogen/progesterone and debilitating effects:

  • Hot flashes, night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness, discomfort
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Low libido
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep disruption

The Women's Wellness Program at our clinic halts this downward spiral to restore comfort, balance, and vibrancy.

We offer both conventional hormone therapy and natural alternatives tailored to each woman's needs. Treatment may include:

  • Estrogen replacement
  • Testosterone therapy
  • Compounded progesterone
  • Supplements (black cohosh, DHEA, etc.)
  • Stress reduction techniques

Your Partner in Wellness

At , we offer cutting-edge diagnostics and personalized care for hormone balance and sexual wellness. Unlike ordinary clinics, our approach is:

Comprehensive - We thoroughly assess all hormone systems for deficiencies and imbalances. Our testing panels and wellness questionnaires are more complete than most facilities.

Advanced - We prescribe bioidentical hormones and compounds tailored to each patient's needs. Our doctors specialize in sexual wellness and stay updated on emerging science and innovative therapies.

Holistic - We address nutrition, exercise, stress levels, and other factors along with hormone treatment. Our programs focus on patients' whole health for optimal restoration.

Caring - We understand hormonal issues are complex and sensitive for many patients. You can count on our staff to listen and support you through this journey with compassion.

Our goal is to help patients resolve distressing symptoms, recapture wellbeing, and improve day-to-day life.


At , we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized hormone therapy solutions for both men and women. Our experienced physicians and staff understand the importance of maintaining optimal hormone balance and its impact on overall health and well-being. We offer a range of innovative treatment options, including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, tailored to each individual's unique needs. Our commitment to ongoing monitoring and follow-up ensures that our patients receive the highest level of care and support throughout their journey to better health. If you are experiencing the effects of hormone imbalance, we encourage you to contact us and take the first step towards regaining your vitality and confidence.

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